Chalk Circle Therapy Counselling in Berlin and Online

Why Therapy?

If you’ve landed on this page, chances are you’re suffering in some way. That suffering may be in the form of grief, fear, anger, loneliness, depression, frustration, anxiety, despair, isolation, addiction, sexuality, shame, trauma or simply numbness. That’s a great first step! Therapy offers a unique relationship that allows you to work through those feelings on the path toward reconnecting with your own inherent sense of well-being. 

Therapy Approach

My psychotherapy/counselling approach is in the 'Mindfulness-in-Relation' space, where the therapeutic relationship provides the closeness and safety required to invite in awareness. With that awareness of the mind, awareness of the body, and the awareness of the felt sense in the present, we can explore the processes one has had to develop, according to their personal history, to simply "be" in the world. From there we work together to develop new ways "to be" that are more attuned to one's own core process, their innate capacity to heal and grow. 

To authentically “be” in the world requires that awareness also be brought to the social systems we live in that nurture or inhibit the different identities we hold in life. How we relate to ourselves, our families, and the world in terms of race, ableness, gender and gender identity, socio-economic status, sexual orientation and expression, as well as many other kinds of otherness, often present very specific challenges. We'll make compassionate space for these aspects as we work to get ever closer to a life of authenticity.

Fees & Commitment

I offer a free initial first session to get acquainted and see if the connection feels right.
If we both feel like it's a good fit to work together, I ask for a 6-week initial commitment.
After the initial commitment, the work continues on a monthly slot subscription basis.

free  — Introductory session (usually 30 minutes)
90€  — Individual sessions (first six sessions)
360€  — Monthly slot subscription 


About Me

My name is Patrick Renner. I'm a US Midwest-born British citizen, native English speaker, living in Berlin. Originally having come from a very left-brain oriented IT background, I've always balanced this out with a passion for diversity in culture, language and connecting. In my personal history there has been early childhood trauma, LGBTQIA+, international and intercultural immigration, neurodivergence, and social-economic challenges. These life experiences, how I've engaged them in my own therapy, and the mix of psychodynamic, humanistic, and integrative psychotherapy training I've had, have all conditioned a very compassionate way of working with and connecting to suffering of all kinds in my therapy practice.  


  • Volunteer with MIND in Camden, a UK mental health charity, providing emotional and practical support for people struggling with mental health issues, including those who had been given a diagnosis of personality disorder, psychosis and schizophrenia.
  • Volunteer with Positive East, a UK HIV charity, providing psychotherapy for those with an HIV diagnosis. 
  • Since 2020— Private psychotherapy in Berlin and online
  • Cumulative of over 10 years of personal psychotherapy, so I have a deep experience of the practice both as a practitioner and a receiver. 

Professional Body Memberships

  • Accredited member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) ID 2011167914
  • Accredited member of the Association of Core Process Psychotherapists (ACPP)
  • Member Ethics Equality and Diversity Committee, Association of Core Process Psychotherapists


  • English 
  • German


  • Private pay only
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